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WordPress Optimization: Ultimate Guide for Better Performance and Speed

WordPress Optimization: Ultimate Guide for Better Performance and Speed

Your prospects don’t see many TV ads anymore, since they stream movies online. They long ago dropped their newspaper subscriptions, so they don’t see ads there either. And you can bet they’re not flipping through the Yellow Pages. If they didn’t throw away the phone book when they got it, then it’s probably being used […]

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Three SEO Tips for Small Business Owners

SEO February 5th, 2016

Three SEO Tips for Small Business Owners

Your prospects don’t see many TV ads anymore, since they stream movies online. They long ago dropped their newspaper subscriptions, so they don’t see ads there either. And you can bet they’re not flipping through the Yellow Pages. If they didn’t throw away the phone book when they got it, then it’s probably being used […]

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The Secrets of Attracting and Converting Targeted Traffic to Your Website

SEO July 13th, 2015

The Secrets of Attracting and Converting Targeted Traffic to Your Website

Imagine this… You set up a website. You already know that people won’t come just because you built it. So then you spend months working every angle you know to drive traffic to your site. And then… Crickets. The traffic doesn’t come in, even though it seems like you’re doing an awful lot of work […]

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5 SEO Steps You Must Take to Remain Relevant in 2015

SEO July 13th, 2015

5 SEO Steps You Must Take to Remain Relevant in 2015

The search engines change their algorithms many times a year. That means you can be flying high in the search engines today, but tomorrow you may not be anywhere to be found. So if you want to remain relevant for 2015, follow these five steps… 1. Develop a Mobile Friendly Site Mobile Internet use is […]

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3 Ways SEO Helps Local Businesses

SEO January 8th, 2015

3 Ways SEO Helps Local Businesses

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s “natural” or un-paid (“organic”) search results. This is the definition according to Wikipedia, but we know that most everyone with a slight interest in the field already knows what SEO means. People have […]

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Are Mobile Websites an SEO Ranking Factor?

SEO December 23rd, 2014

Are Mobile Websites an SEO Ranking Factor?

There are millions upon millions of websites that exist on the internet. They all have their strong sides, and they all have their weak sides to them. But overall there are websites that are of high quality, and there are websites that are of low quality. One of the most important aspects of the overall […]

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An Introduction to Local SEO for Beginners

SEO October 6th, 2014

An Introduction to Local SEO for Beginners

Even if your business ships its products anywhere, you need to dedicate some of your SEO efforts to the local area. Whether you are in the metropolitan area or actually in Phoenix, SEO for local results is a must. But where do you begin? This introduction to local SEO will allow you to get your […]

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Ways to Boost Local SEO without Content

SEO September 24th, 2014

Ways to Boost Local SEO without Content

Content is one of the most often touted elements of strong SEO. This is due to the fact that it is inexpensive and easy to create. This often leads people to ignore other elements of SEO for fear that it will be complicated or costly. However, there are many ways to build your local Phoenix […]

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Creating Content When Your Time is on a Budget

SEO September 22nd, 2014

Creating Content When Your Time is on a Budget

Your Phoenix business’ daily operations probably consume a lot of your time. Taking orders, running a storefront, managing shipments, handling customer issues and negotiating with partners—to name a few things—can make it seem impossible to be consistent with the content creation element of your Phoenix SEO campaign. However, great content is the backbone of every […]

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6 Things Most SEO Companies Won’t Tell You

SEO August 19th, 2014

6 Things Most SEO Companies Won’t Tell You

Good Phoenix SEO companies will help you quickly boost your search engine ranking. However, they don’t usually bother to explain how. Here are 6 things that you should know about SEO that your SEO company isn’t telling you. Black hat SEO can be helpful (sometimes) As you may know, Google has categorized any activity that […]

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9 Things SEO Masterminds Usually Charge you to Hear

SEO August 14th, 2014

9 Things SEO Masterminds Usually Charge you to Hear

The idea of marketing your company can leave you at loss regarding where you should begin; adding the infinite expansiveness of the internet into the mix and marketing your company and its products can seem overwhelming. Even your Phoenix SEO campaign, however, can be made a lot easier when broken down. In most cases, you […]

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