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Phoenix, Arizona Improving Your Facebook Edge Rank https://www.hireawiz.com

Improving Your Facebook Edge Rank

In a prior blog post I wrote about Facebook's new edge rank and how it works but how do you improve your current Facebook edge rank? Many Phoenix web design specialists can tell you all these different things about SEO and how they can get you ranked and that is important but Facebook edge rank is also very important for your business. As a business you don't want to be spending a lot of time and money on your social media campaign just to find out that the posts you are posting aren't being seen by enough likes to even be worth your time. In order for your Facebook marketing strategy to be successful you must understand how to improve your Facebook Edge Rank. So what can you do to improve your edge rank?

  • Photos – Make sure to add a photo with every post. There have been studies done that shows photo's get the most engagement from other users and user engagement is what gets your post more shelf life on news feeds. With your post being on news feeds longer more eyes will see it therefore giving your business even more publicity on Facebook.
  • Time of Day – Posting during the right time of day is crucial for your post to get any type of engagements. For example if your target audience is teenagers then posting while they are in school is probably not too smart of an idea.
  • Ask – This may sound absurd but ask for interaction. Now I am not saying to come out and down right beg for interaction but post things like what are your thoughts, fill in the blank questions, like if you agree, etc.

As a Phoenix web design firm we have witnessed first hand the importance that Facebook can have on a businesses growth. This is why when running your Facebook marketing campaign it is absolutely critical that you understand how to get the most out of your campaign. Running a Facebook marketing campaign is very time consuming and so you don't want to spend all that time just to realize your not reaching anyone. Let an elite Phoenix web design team help you with your Facebook marketing campaign. Contact HireAWiz today for a free quote.


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