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Phoenix, Arizona Use Your Bounce Rate to Improve Your Website Conversions https://www.hireawiz.com

Use Your Bounce Rate to Improve Your Website Conversions

Use Your Bounce Rate to Improve Your Website Conversions

I am sure that if you are the proud owner of a business website you have Google Analytics or some other form of analytics tracking your website traffic. Whether you are analyzing them or your Phoenix web design team is reviewing them for you checking out your website’s bounce rate can be scary for some website business owners. The bounce rate is like owning a store front and watching customers come into  your store look around a leave without making any type of purchase. If you have a high bounce rate then you can look at it two different ways. One you can view it as the scary reality that your business is struggling and nobody wants what you are offering or two and the glass half full option is you can look at it as a way to improve business and turn your business’s success around. Now I won’t get into what your bounce rate should be because each industry is different. With HireAWiz being an elite Phoenix web design company we understand how to turn your bounce rate into a way to improve your business and are going to show you how.

  • Examine Usability – If a visitor to your website can’t find what they are looking for fairly quickly they are going to leave. People online are generally impatient and used to things being at their finger tips. Nobody wants to play hide n seek on your website to try to find what they are looking for. Run some simple test and have your family and friends try and find a list of items you give them. Have them report back to you and let you know how easy or difficult they were to find.
  • Content – Try switching up the content of your website. Obviously the current site is not convincing people to continue looking or your bounce rate wouldn’t be so high so come up with some new content and see if that works.
  • Keywords – Make sure you or your Phoenix web design team are updating your keyword list. You may have done an SEO campaign 3 years ago for some keywords that are no longer sending you the traffic that will help your business.
  • Update Your Website – This could be a major issue for your business. An outdated website can be hard to trust especially if you are trying to get people to purchase something off of your website. With ID theft and other online crimes people are scared to give out their personal information this is why it is extremely important to keep your website professional and up to date.

We understand that if you are a website business owner then your website and web presence is your livelihood that is why we work not only to build you a great website but to help you grow your business to that next level. HireAWiz is an elite Phoenix web design company that uses it’s 10 plus years of experience to help you grow your business. If you would like a free quote and or internet marketing analysis please contact us today.


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