5 Social Media Marketing Mistakes You Must Avoid

5 Social Media Marketing Mistakes You Must Avoid

Most people nowadays have a social media account of some type and that is exactly why most businesses are trying to use social media websites to market their business. Now business with top marketing experts are able to use these perfectly and grow their businesses. On the other end of the spectrum however you have small business owners that don?t understand how to market their business on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter and they end up doing things that don?t work or worse yet they do something that will hurt their business. Our Phoenix SEO company has compiled a list of social media mistakes that you should avoid to help you with your social media marketing campaign.

  1. Spamming ? This is one that many small business owners make and it simply does NOT work. Not only does it not work but it ends up turning off any potential customer you may have had. When trying a social media marketing campaign you can?t use any type of spamming tecniques.
  2. Forgetting About Your Profiles ? This happens way to much. Many small online business owners create social media accounts because they are told it would be wise then they never update their accounts. Well even if you did get followers and likes it would do you no good.
  3. Not Being Social ? You should be interacting in daily conversations about things within your industry.
  4. Being Self Absorbed ? Don?t make every post about you and your business and how great you are. This pushes people away. Your goal is to interact with people and give them a reason to follow you on their social media accounts.
  5. Ignoring People ? When somebody comments or messages you on one of you social media accounts it is wise to message them back. Not only is it good customer service but if you don?t it shows others that are following that you don?t care about your customers.
Make sure that you don?t make any of these mistakes when running a social media marketing campaign for your business. These may seem like simple mistakes but they can have a huge negative impact on your business.