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Phoenix, Arizona 5 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid https://www.hireawiz.com

5 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

5 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

I have said this before and I will say it again Social Media can be a huge benefit to your business. With Facebook alone having close to 1 billion users there is a huge market that your business should be tapping into. As a Phoenix web design company we see many companies make some fairly common mistakes when attempting to use social media marketing. We want to help you avoid those mistakes so we have listed some of the top mistakes we notice small business making when it comes to social media marketing.

  1. No Plan – As a Phoenix web design company we realize that it is extremely important to have a plan. It is critical we have a plan so that we can help our clients be successful because without a plan things tend to fail. This is the same with Social Media marketing if you don't have a plan then it will be very difficult to be successful.
  2. Return on Investment – Small business owners are extremely business and most of the time need to manage their time so that they get every dollar they can for the time that they are spending. Social Media is no different. Social Media can be a very time consuming thing so you must keep track of your ROI to make sure that it is worth your time.
  3. Missing Out On Branding Opportunities – Social media platforms give you multiple places to upload your Logo and designs. As a Phoenix web design company we notice many small businesses not taking advantage of this and leaving many fields blank.
  4. Promoting Only – This is a big mistake. You don't want to be a place where all your doing is promoting your business. Instead what you want to do is use your social media platforms to listen to your customers and build a relationship so that they will begin coming to you for their industry needs.
  5. Time – If you are not willing to put in the time then you should forget not only about Social Media but also things like search engine optimization as well because internet marketing takes time. Many times small business owners make the mistake of expecting results overnight. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

These are 5 mistakes we see small business owners making that we believe can easily be avoided. Please check out our home page for all the services we offer. If you would like a free analysis and quote please contact us.


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