2014 Social Media Marketing Predictions

2014 Social Media Marketing Predictions

I am sure that your business is running some sort of social marketing campaign. You may even be running a successful social media campaign but it is all about to change. As the New Year is quickly approaching so is the way successful social media campaigns are being run. Our Phoenix SEO company has monitored social media and have some predictions as to how social media marketing will change in 2014. You may be thinking that your doing everything right but social media marketing is evolving that is why I am going to show you what to look forward too in the next year. 

  1. Dedicated Staff ? Just like there are dedicated employees for SEO and other forms of marketing there will be dedicated social media marketing experts. The importance of Social Media marketing is becoming more and more important and because of this businesses are going to begin to either hire a dedicated staff or outsource it to another company. 
  2. Exposure ? Exposure on social media is going to be everything. Businesses will begin working harder than ever to gain more followers on all their social media accounts. Using social marketing tools such as Facebook Ads and Post Promotions will become more competitive.
  3. More Than Just Text ? Currently, you may be good by just updating your status with text and blog posts but next year you are going to have to make your social media pages much much more than just text. You will have to strategically begin using images and videos. These can't just be generic images and videos they are going to have to be unique and something of value that people will want to share with their network of friends. 
  4. More Personalization ? In 2014, businesses will begin to realize that generic messages that are designed to reach all their followers as a whole will still be relavent however, there will be a lot more personal messages meant to target individuals. Think about it this way. When somebody comes into a store you generally are greeted personally not just by a genaric greeting over the loud speaker and at the same time there are messages meant for everyone as well. 
  5. Google Plus Will Become More Valuable ? Currently, Google Plus is an after thought on many social media marketing campaigns after Facebook and Twitter. In 2014 this will not be the case as Google Plus will become more important than ever for SEO. 

It is critical that you update your Social Media marketing campaign for 2014 if you want to stay successful. These are just some of our predictions for social media campaigns.