5 SEO Mistakes That Hurt Your Rankings

5 SEO Mistakes That Hurt Your Rankings

The difference between running a successful search engine optimization campaign and running an unsuccessful search engine campaign could be the difference between your business flourishing or going under. Internet marketing is becoming more and more important in today?s world. You used to be able to depend up on advertising in the local news paper or strictly by billboards but this is no longer the case. People nowadays are using the internet to find everything from restauraunts to hotels. That is why it is very important you not only run a search engine optimization campaign but are successful at it. We would suggest hiring a Phoenix SEO company to help you with it but if you are doing all or some of it on your own there are a few mistakes that many online business owners make while trying to run a SEO campaign. We thought you should be aware of them so you don?t make the same mistake.

  1. Neglecting On Page SEO ? Many people jump right into off page SEO such as link building, social media, etc and forget about the on page SEO. By not correcting the issues you have on your website and not optimizing for the search engines your off page SEO could serve no purpose.
  2. Don?t Panic When Your Results Plummet ? Many small business owners will hit the panic button the first time they see their results take a major hit. Most of the time there is nothing to worry about. This is usually do to something we in the Phoenix SEO industry like to call Google Dance.
  3. Write for the Search Engines ? I am sure you have been to a website and tried reading the content that was posted and couldn?t make any sense of it. That is because the person was writing for the search engines and not the site visitors. This text is generally keyword stuffed and not interesting or helpful. There is 2 reasons why this is a mistake. 1 is the fact that even if you do get visitors to your website the text on the page will likely cause them to leave so they won?t convert into a sale anyway. Secondly the search engines are becoming smarter and will catch on to these tricks and when they do your website will be hit. If your website is known to use black hat strategies it will become very difficult to ever rank that domain again.
  4. Building Low Quality Links ? People think link building is link building so they go spam every site they can to try to get a back link. Again this is a strategy that will end up hurting you in the long run. Search engines frown on spam links and most low quality links are just that.
  5. Expecting Quick Results ? The fact of the matter is ranking relevant keywords is going to take months. A major mistake small business owners make is thinking it should happen overnight. Because of this thinking they either give up on their SEO campaign before it starts or they get taken advantage of by shady companies. There are SEO Companies out there that actually let people know they will rank them in weeks and rank them for keywords that nobody searches for. These keywords are useless to you and your company.
Making anyone of these mistakes can hurt your SEO campaign and stall your businesses online growth. That is why it is extremely important to know what you are doing and to hire the right Phoenix SEO company to run your campaign.