3 SEO Trends to Be Aware Of

3 SEO Trends to Be Aware Of

Search engine optimization is constantly changing and being updated by the search engines. Just look at the Panda releases that Google puts out every so often. The search engines are looking for the perfect algorithm that will allow users to find the best websites that are related to a specific search. The way the search engines rank web pages will always change because of technology. One example that made a major impact and is continuing to make a major impact on how search engines determine which websites rank higher than others is social media. Since websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus have came out search engines are beginning to weight a portion of your website rankings based on social media. Let?s take a closer look at some SEO trends we see happening in 2013. Hopefully understanding these trends it will help you and your business obtain the rankings you are looking for. To make sure your on the right track you should contact a Phoenix SEO company.

  1. Make sure your website is full of high quality content ? It is becoming scary how rapidly search engine technology is advancing. This may sound crazy but I believe in the not too distant future search engines will be able to desipher whether the content on your page is good and relevant content or not. I know this would require a machine to understand your content but this technology is not far away. If you need an example of machines being able to do extraordinary things you don?t need to look any further than Watson. Watson was the robot that competed on Jepoardy and won!
  2. Social media is going to play much larger role ? Like I mentioned above social media is a growing factor in the search engines algorithms. Social media websites like facebook have so much information and can really raise the bar for how search engines work. Google will begin to put more weight on Google Plus. If you don?t have a Google Plus profile already you probably should be looking into getting one.
  3. Mobile friendly websites will no longer be optional ? With the increase in mobile users if your website doesn?t currently have a mobile friendly version then the fact is you will miss out on a lot of business. This should be your number 1 priority if you don?t already have one. Within the next 5 years almost everyone who is searching the internet will be doing it from a mobile device such as a smart phone or iPad.
There are many things you can do to grow your business but few will have the impact of running a successful SEO campaign. If you do not know what you are doing running a search engine optimization campaign can be very overwhelming and confusing. That is why we would suggest you call a Phoenix SEO company like HireAWiz to help you run a successful SEO campaign and take your business to that next level today. For a free quote and SEO analysis contact us today.