5 Reasons Your Blog Isn’t Driving New Business

5 Reasons Your Blog Isn’t Driving New Business

Does your business website have a blog? Is it turning out to be more of a hassle than it is a benefit? I mean as a small business owner I am sure you are extremely busy and have very little time to spend on things where you are not seeing a return on investment. When your a business owner time is money and many times, time can be more valuable than money. So why should you have a blog? Well if your blog is not producing and you are not seeing any benefits of it you may be making one of these mistakes that our Phoenix SEO company noticed many small online business owners making. Let's take a look at some ways that you can turn your blog into asset. 

  1. Audience ? Many small business owners are writing to the wrong audience and they don't even realize it. If your target audience is teenagers then why would you be writing for young adults? You have to first determine who your target audience is and then write for your target audience. 
  2. More Content ? A reader doesn't want to have to guess when you might be posting your next blog. That is also why you want to be consistent when writing your blogs. The more you write your blogs and the more consistent you are with posting them it will prove to your readers that you are serious about your blogs and that your content is worth following and reading. 
  3. More Than Just Text ? You should not just be having a blog full of boring text. You need to tempt your readers in to reading that is why adding video's and pictures can spice your blog up. 
  4. Social Media ? Having a strong social media precense can improve your blog following big time. You can begin promoting the content on your blog on your social media accounts. This will pay off two fold. People on social media may begin following you because of your blog and your blog will get more readers because of it's promotion on social media. This is the future. 
  5. Self Promoting ? If you are writing blogs that sound like they are self promoting and attempting to write sales pitches then your blog is going to be an epic failure. You need to write blogs about things that your target audience wants or needs to know about. So many small business owners in today's world are stuck on using every bit of text they post online to try to sell something. This is not the way to run a successful online business. 

If you are struggling to see the benefits of your blog then you are probably writing for SEO purposes or making one of the mistakes above. Use the list above as a checklist and go through and see if any of these apply to your blog. If not have your friends and family read the blog and be brutally honest with you. Maybe your content is just not worth reading and needs to be cleaned up.