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Phoenix, Arizona Boosting Your Website Conversion Rate https://www.hireawiz.com

Boosting Your Website Conversion Rate

Boosting Your Website Conversion Rate

When your professional Phoenix web design team sends you over your website analytics does make you wonder how it is possible to get so many visitors and yet so little conversions? This is something that many eCommerce businesses often wonder. There are many reasons that this could be happening whether it be pricing, verbiage or something to do with your website. It probably doesn’t matter why this is happening because all you should be concerned about is how to fix it. When somebody comes to your website and leaves it is a wasted opportunity. Every time a you get a visitor to your website it is costing you money. Whether it is through search engine optimization, pay per click, social media marketing or some other way of marketing all visitors cost something. If you are a return on investment or ROI type of person then you know that it is absolutely vital to convert the most possible visitors. There is a pretty good chance that your website’s low conversion rate has something to do with your website. As a Phoenix web design team let’s take a look at some issues that could be causing your conversion rate to be so low.

  • Load Time – We no longer have to sit at our computer waiting for a minute every time we want to go to a different page. It now only takes a few seconds and this should hold true with your website. Don’t make everything on your website images, videos and flash all of these things slow down your website. Our Phoenix web design team understands how to design a website that looks great, converts and has great load times.
  • Usability – If a potential customer visits your website and can’t find what it is they are looking for it is naive of you to think that they will stay and look for what it is they want. The website is full of other websites in your exact industry and can use a company from all around the world. This is why it is absolutely necessary that you make things as easy as possible for your visitors to find and purchase what they want because if they leave the chances are you will never see them again.
  • Checkout Process – I have briefly mentioned this in my last point but want to touch on it in more detail as it is extremely important. You see websites requiring you to register a user account before somebody is allowed to check out. This is insane if you ask me. Now I understand the benefits of a member log in but to tell somebody that they are not allowed to do business on your website without it is not a smart business practice. That would be like Subway telling you that you can’t eat their unless you fill out a membership form. Make the check out go as quick and easy as possible. Giving a customer an option to sign up for a member section is always a plus but don’t require it.

These are 3 issues our Phoenix web design team that can drastically impact your conversion rate. Many people are looking for ways to bring in more traffic but the first thing they should do is figure out how to get your conversion rate up. There are many other things that can impact your conversion rate but these are 3 common issues that must be fixed. If you would like a free analysis or free quote contact us today.


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