Use Your Website to Convert to Visitors into Customers

Use Your Website to Convert to Visitors into Customers

You spend a lot of time, money and effort to have your websites do more than just be an attractive landing page. You need them to convert. You pull your hair out devising ways to get people to visit, so they can see and purchase your products or services. That’s why it was created in the first place, right? So why not see if you can use your website to convert visitors into customers.

Is Your Website Optimized for Conversion?

The first task is to make sure we are doing all we can to make it easy and enticing for your visitor to complete the action you want them to. Knowing specifically what action you’re after is important. We’ve identified 10 tips to help you get the most conversions from your website site. See if any of these need to be added to your mix!

10 Tips to Boost Website Conversions

Here are 10 ways to ensure you getting the most conversions possible with your website content.

Know what you’re after

Knowing the end goal of what your page is aiming to accomplish is paramount to seeing it succeed. Is your goal to have people opt in to your list, make a purchase, request a quote? Whatever it is, if you haven’t clearly defined this for yourself so you can communicate it, your visitor won’t get it either.

Testimonials and Trust Seals

Both go a long way towards delivering the social proof that you need to progress visitors through your marketing funnel. Use real testimonials with pictures to improve your credibility, and trust seals and badges where appropriate.

Forms everywhere

If you wish to build your contact lists and enable your visitors to take action, it’s imperative to include your form wherever you can that makes sense. Keep them short and to the point. Test every element, and use multiple variations. Whatever you do, don’t ask for too much information. People don’t like giving it up, and it could be the difference in getting the action or not. Ask only for what you need. You might take that a step further and give people the option to purchase without registering, and give them the chance to do so afterwards. Be sure to follow it up with a benefit for the registration.

Contact numbers

Including a phone number where your company can be reached is an incredibly effective trust element, and helps put a level of credibility that is otherwise masked by a web page. You want to put as real a face on your digital properties as possible.

Solve problems and ease pain

Presumably people are searching for answers to their problems when they arrive on your website. It’s your job to quickly propose answers to their problems and ease their pain points upon arrival. What can your product or service do to make their lives easier and more productive? Put yourself in the mind of the visitor, and answer their question and objections with solutions and pain relief! Make sure this is effectively communicated in your headlines, sub-heads and copy.

Be mobile optimized

It should go without saying now, but it can’t. Since now more than half of all web traffic starts out from a smartphone or other mobile device, having a mobile responsive website that is optimized for conversions is a must. One thing that is often overlooked in mobile pages is that buttons far outperform links, usually simply because of the size. Test this yourself!

Give every page a clear purpose

We’ve all had this happen: we happen upon and click an ad that promises exactly what we’re after, and are led to a page that delivers none or little of it at all. Dedicated pages for single purposes are the best use of your web space, keeping a clear path to the objective you have in mind. If your visitor lands on a page that doesn’t affirm the ad headlines and promises, has tons of competing options (ads) or is otherwise unclear, you are shooting yourself in the foot. Whenever possible, especially when spending ad money to drive traffic to a page, give that page a clear and single purpose intimately tied in to the ad or linkbait that got them there.

Make a clear value proposition

Your value proposition is the reason anyone would want to buy or otherwise engage with your business. You need to make this extremely clear and compelling, and leave no doubt as to why your product or service is a must-buy for them. One place to make use of your value proposition is through the effective use of headlines and sub-headlines. Not only is this a good SEO practice for ranking your pages, it also communicates clearly, especially to the “page skimmers”. Make sure your value proposition emphasizes benefits and not features. Visitors want to know why your product will make their life better, not necessarily how it does this.

Use compelling graphics and imagery

High quality images and videos lend authenticity to your website. Don’t neglect to put a face on your business. People like to see there’s an actual human involved here, and not a gang of Russian spammers. Moreover, visual elements such as these increase time on the page and site, contribute to solid SEO, and have the opportunity to encourage sharing and more traffic. This is especially true of video. Unique imagery can also be shared via photo sharing sites such as Pinterest and Instagram, where you are certain to garner more visits!

Don?t fail to test

You can’t go about increasing conversions of your website visitors without data. You need to understand what works and why, and act on it. Testing is not simply a one-time A/B test, and then you’re good to go. It’s an activity you will be doing for your entire time online. Test colors, layouts, headlines, sub-headlines, content, web forms, lead magnets, landing pages and more. This can help you avoid drastic mistakes, and improve conversions incrementally. Remember, a single percentage increase in conversion can mean a great deal to your bottom line, even without an increase in traffic.Don’t fail to test! Taking advantage of these tips can make a huge difference in how well your products and services convert. Remember that a seemingly tiny increase in conversion percent can translate to a huge number of dollars. If you would like help in increasing your website’s conversion percentages, contact us directly online or call us at (623) 521-1418. You can learn more about this topic by visiting our website conversion strategies page.