5 Tips for Planning Your Christmas Marketing Campaign

5 Tips for Planning Your Christmas Marketing Campaign

Tis truly is the season and if you own a small online eCommerce website then you need to begin planning for Christmas. If you haven't in the past or aren't currently running a Christmas marketing campaign then it is highly recommended that you begin one. This is the time of year that you can really boost sales and end the year on a positive note but to do so you will need to have a holiday marketing campaign up and running in full force. Our Phoenix web design came up with some tips on how you can not only run a Christmas campaign but how you can run a successful Christmas campaign. 

  1. Update Page Designs ? Many people are in the holiday mood so when they stop by your website they are wanting to see a Christmas look and feel. This can be as simple as adding Christmas images here or there or changing the entire background of your website. Either way you want your website to be festive. 
  2. Assess Your Competition ? It is smart to know what your competitors are doing and it is know different this time of year. You should go to your competitor's website before determining your Christmas specials. If your competitors are offering a special Christmas price on an item you can't compete with you will probably want to highlight other products and or services. 
  3. Offer Free Shipping ? One reason people go and fight the crowds in the stores is because of shipping costs. You can persuade visitors to your website to shop in the comfort of their own home by offering free shipping. 
  4. Gift Wrapping ? Just because you are an online store doesn't mean that you can't offer gift wrapping. There are many people out there, me included, that hates the idea of trying to wrap a gift. That is why offering gift wrapping could be what convinces a visitor to use your site over another website. 
  5. Promote Offers on Social Media ? Before I begin talking about social media it is important to note that this doesn't mean start spamming your page with sales posts. You do however want to post about some of your great gift ideas. 

If you are not currently running a holiday campaign then it is time to start. If you are then use some of these tips to help make it even more successful.