4 Resolutions Your Business Should Make

4 Resolutions Your Business Should Make

Now that it is a New Years there are some resolutions that you should be making for your business so that it can finally make that jump to the next level and give you the financial freedom that you desire. As a Scottsdale web design company we see time and time again companies not doing what it takes to grow. Generally it is because they don?t have time to do it on their owns and they don?t want to pay to have a professional Scottsdale web design company to do the work so instead they either don?t do anything or they go and outsource their work or hire a kid right out of college. What they don?t realize is it will end up costing them a lot of money going that route. I don?t know if it is because they aren?t confident in their business or they just don?t want to spend money. The old adage it takes money to make money rings true especially when it comes to online marketing. Lets take a look at some resolutions that your company should have for 2013. At least from a Scottsdale web design companies perspective.

  1. Search Engine Optimization ?  I know you have heard this before but this is number 1 on my list for a reason. If you hire a company that knows what they are doing this will payoff big time. Once you get ranked you will only have to pay to maintain the rankings and will be getting all traffic and brand recognition that comes along with being ranked on the search engines.
  2. Social Media Marketing ? With the popularity of Social Media websites such as Facebook and Twitter it has become a necessity to have a Social Media presence. Facebook alone has roughly a billion users. That is a big pie for your company not to get a piece of it.
  3. Mobile ? Like it or not mobile devices are here to stay and if your website is not mobile compatible you are likely to be losing business. Remember there are different SEO rankings for mobile devices and this is a market that is about to get extremely competitive and you have a chance to get a head start.
  4. Updated Website ? I know some of you have already updated your website but there are so many businesses out there that have websites that are in desperate need of a redesign. This builds trust, helps with SEO, and makes you look like a professional business.
These are 4 things that if you concentrate on for your business that as a Scottsdale web design team we feel you will improve your bottom line and take your business to that next level. We would love to discuss this in more detail with you. For a free analysis and quote contact us today.