3 Steps to Improve Your Website’s Speed and Conversion Rate

3 Steps to Improve Your Website’s Speed and Conversion Rate

It has been proven that there is a direct corralation between your website's load time and your website's conversion rate. Our Phoenix web design team wants to show you just how important optimizing your site can be. This could potentially have a huge financial gain for your online business as you may be not converting a portion of your traffic strictly because your website loads up to slowly. Generally a person expects a web page to load up somewhere between 2 and 4 seconds and mobile users are even less patient than this. That is why you want to try to get your page load times to be as close to 2 seconds as possible. So you may be wondering how do I do this? Well let's take a quick look at a 3 step process that is sure to improve your website's load time. 

Step 1: Reduce the Size of Your Page  ? This may be hard for some people to do because everyone wants to believe that everything on their page is necessary and is being viewed well this is just not the case so it is time for a spring cleaning. Another great way to do this is to enable HTML compression. This will allow you to reduce the size by up to 50% which should provide a noticable change in speed load times. One hint though is to make sure that compression is turned on for css and java script along with html. So many people forget to turn on the compression for css and java script and it ends up hurting them. 

Step 2: Reduce the Number of Browser Requests ? The more videos, images, javascript files, etc. that your page has to open the longer it takes to load. That is why you may consider going with a more clean and simple look. Now you maybe thinking to yourself but people don't like simple they want something super nice and something that looks expensive. This may be the case in some instances but look at Google they don't have a ton of images, videos, javascript files, etc on there main page and I would say they are doing just fine wouldn't you. 

Step 3: Reduce the Distance to Your Site ? Our most of your visitors far away from you? Yes, I do mean geographically. Do you get a lot of visitors to your website from other countries. Well that is likely a bad thing because it is taking them longer to load up your site than it would for somebody say in the same State as you. So what are you to do? Well you can use a Content Delivery Network or CDN for short. 

The 3 steps above will help you improve your page load time which will likely increase your conversion rate. Now nothing is guaranteed but there is a direct corralation between website load times and conversion rate so you should make sure that your website is optimized. You never know this could be what you need to take your business to that next level.