10 Great Ways to Get More Leads, Sales and Revenue Out of Your Website

10 Great Ways to Get More Leads, Sales and Revenue Out of Your Website

Whether your website is an e-commerce platform that’s generating sales every day of the week, or it’s a workhorse site that helps you collect and close leads, you probably want it to do more. You want your website to generate more leads, more sales and more revenue. Here are 10 website hacks to help you do exactly that…

1. Provide a Call to Action on Every Page

Your calls to action may be different depending on the specific page, but every page should have one clear call to action. This might be something such as, “click here to order now” or “fill out the form to request more information” or “call now.”

2. Make Your Site Mobile Friendly

More and more users are visiting your site on their smart phones, which is why you need to provide a responsive site with links that are easy to tap. What’s more, Google is also now using mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal, so you could potentially get more search engine traffic by having a mobile friendly site.

3. Provide Clear Navigation

Sometimes business owners and web designers try to be so cutting-edge that a website ends up as a confusing mess, with hidden navigation menus and the user needing multiple clicks to get anywhere. Yes, using cutting-edge design and technology is great, but not if it gets in the user’s way. Make sure you provide clear navigation so your user can easily find what they’re looking for, such as information about your products and services.

4. Give Contact Information

The key here is to give your visitors multiple ways to contact you both online and offline, and to make this contact information visible on every page. Whatever you do, don’t make your visitors jump through hoops to contact you, such as making them “register” for a help desk.

5. Offer Multi-Media

Text is great, but pictures and videos can really add a lot to your website. This is particularly true on sales pages, where you can offer text, photos and videos to help people make the buying decision.

6. Provide Social Proof

One of the goals of your website should be to build trust, which will make it more likely people will do business with you. That’s why a good way to boost conversion rates is by having testimonials on your site. You may even use other forms of proof, such as “before” and “after” photos or videos.

7. Capture Leads

Every single visitor who lands on your site should be given an opportunity and a good reason to join your mailing list. You do this by offering an enticing high-value lead magnet (such as a free white paper or video) in exchange for an email address. You can then follow up repeatedly with these leads to close the sale.

8. Focus on Benefits

No matter what you’re selling, you need to let your prospects know the benefits and results they’ll get when they use your product or service. Be sure your sales copy also answers why the prospect should buy from you instead of your competitor.

9. Test and Refine Your Site

The only way to know for sure just how well your site is working is by testing, tracking and tweaking everything. For example, you can run a split test to find out what pricing strategy works better… or what headline on a lead page builds your list the fastest… or which call to action boosts your sales conversion rate. You can test and tweak everything, from sales copy to the sales process to your advertising.

10. Design a Polished Site

Your website is the face of your business, so it better make a great impression on your prospects. A clean, well-designed and modern website speaks volumes and builds trust, which is why a complete redesign is a good investment.


A website can be one of your best tools for generating leads, building trust, making sales and creating more revenue for your business. If want your website to do more for your small to mid-range business, then get in touch with our website development and marketing team: For more information on website conversion strategies contact us today and don’t forget to request your free SEO and website audit!