Facebook Statistics You Should Know

Facebook Statistics You Should Know

If you own a business then the likilihood is that your business has a Facebook page. You probably have a Facebook page because you have heard how important one is for your business?s online marketing campaign. Well if your page is not engaging any current or new customers then you would probably be in the exact same spot with or without a Facebook page. If you are a statistics person then their are some very telling statistics that will show you exactly how you can make your Facebook fan page more engaging. Our team of Phoenix web designers have reviewed these statistics and want to share them with you in hopes that you will understand how to make your Facebook page more engaging. If you can figure out how to make your Facebook page more engaging then you will be well on your way to reaping all the benefits that a well done social media marketing campaign can provide. Let?s take a closer look at some of the Facebook statistics that will make you say if I only new.

  1. Post More Photo?s ?  People who post a lot of photos are proven to get 39 percent more interaction which includes likes, shares, comments, etc. Imagine how much more successful your facebook campaing would be if you had 39 percent more interaction. Your posts would reach a bunch more people helping both with your brand and to obtain new customers.
  2. Shorter Posts ? Shorter posts get 23 percent more interaction. Nobody wants to read a book on Facebook. People scan through the 100?s of other posts their friends and pages likes post in a day. If it is short and sweet and to the point they are more likely to like or share your post. Remember a large number of the people on Facebook and other social media websites are viewing them from their smart phones. Usually people on a mobile device are on the go so remember to keep your posts short.
  3. Use Emoticons ? This one may surprise and you may still choose to ignore this one as they may not always come across as professional but the use of emoticons will raise interaction 33%. That is an eye opening statistic and is very hard to ignore if all you have to do is add a simple little smiley face.
  4. Post Questions ? This one has the biggest jump interaction with a whopping 100%. Asking questions get people involved and most people want to add in their two cents.
Interaction is what is going to make or break your social media marketing campaign. If you take advantage of the statistics listed above and begin using things that are proven to work you will slowly start to see the interaction on your Facebook page increase. Remember the more interaction that occurs on your Facebook page the more people you reach and as it is all a numbers game.