411 on FB Edge Rank and How It Works

411 on FB Edge Rank and How It Works

Facebook has over 900 million users and is rapidly approaching 1 billion. Many businesses have figured this out and have began marketing their business on Facebook. Using Facebook to market your business has some distinct advantages such as being able reach your Facebook likes directly when you post on your Facebook page.  You will want to make sure that your messages are reaching as many of your Facebook likes as possible and that is where Facebook edge rank comes in. You maybe wondering what exactly is Facebook edge rank? Not to worry being a Scottsdale web design company we are going to explain what it is and how it works. Facebook edge rank quite simply put is an algorithm to govern what is displayed on a users news feed from top to bottom. It is very similar to how Google does page rank algorithms with one key difference, Facebook released their algorithm to the public. This has allowed people looking to market their business to optimize their Facebook page so that they reach a maximum number of their Facebook likes. Obviously the higher Facebook edge rank score the more people that will see your posts and ultimately if marketed properly the more business you will receive. So what is the algorithm to up your Facebook edge rank score?

  1. Affinity ? Is the relationship between the user and friends and likes. The more a user likes, shares, comments, and messages somebody or business the higher they rank. This makes it extremely important for businesses to post content that people like and not just try to sell their products. Engaging people has never been more important for a business to understand.
  2. Weight ? Facebook places a value to each action for example a like is less valuable than somebody sharing your comment. This is why you need to have great content. Likes are important but getting people to share or comment on your page is going to be key.
  3. Time decay ? This is exactly what you would think it means. This is simply saying that if you posted something a month ago it will have less value than something that was posted today. This makes the importance of posting new stuff vital.

Now that you understand Facebook edge rank you can customize your Facebook strategy to maximize your ROI. Facebook marketing can take a lot of time and or resources but with almost 1 billion users it is definitely worth it. Being a Scottsdale web design company we see people who fail and succeed in this just like with anything else. If you would like us to work with you to develop a Facebook marketing strategy that is customizable to your business contact us today.