4 Facebook Marketing Mistakes to Avoid At All Costs

4 Facebook Marketing Mistakes to Avoid At All Costs

Facebook can be a great tool for both personal and business use but if you make a mistake it can be non forgiving. In this blog I want to concentrate ont he business aspect of Facebook and some of the common mistakes our Phoenix SEO team notice many small business owners making. There are not a lot of small businesses out there that are running Facebook marketing campaigns that are meeting their expectations and this is happening because some of these common mistakes are being made.

  1. One Way Communication ? This happens all the time. A business posts online and tries to reach out to as many potential customers as possible but when one posts something to them they don?t respond. This is rude and shows that you don?t have a personality behind your Facebook business page. Begin taking the time to respond to everyone individually and you will begin to see this pay major dividends.
  2. Posting Sales Messages ? Facebook is not a place for you try out your sales marketing scripts as almost none of them will work. Nobody is going on to Facebook looking to buy your product or service. You need to give them something that they would be interested reading.
  3. No Call to Action ? You should have a goal in mind when you are posting on Facebook and each post should have a call to action whether that be to get likes, shares, or people reading your blog content.
  4. Auto Posting Twitter ? This is a major mistake but yet many small business owners do this. Most small businesses have both a Facebook and a Twitter account and like wise many people following a company on Facebook also follow them on Twitter. This gives somebody no reason to follow you on both Twitter and Facebook.
If you are wanting to improve your Facebook marketing then you will want to avoid these mistakes at all costs. It is hard to succeed when you are making mistakes you may not even be aware are mistakes that is why you should constantly be reassessing your strategy.