4 Signs Your SEO Company Is Doing Their Job

4 Signs Your SEO Company Is Doing Their Job

If you are new to SEO and are looking at paying a top Phoenix SEO company to help you rank for keywords that will bring you traffic and help you grow your business but are unsure how long it will take to get traffic or how you measure the work the company has been doing. Well, you are not alone. One thing that you have to keep in mind is that top rankings don't happen overnight and if they do the company your working with is either doing shady SEO work on your site, which you will pay the consquences for, or they are ranking for keywords that will bring you little to no traffic. Let's take a closer look at some signs that will help you know if your Phoenix SEO company is doing a good job or if you should let them go. 

  1. Ranking Reports ? A good SEO company will give you a monthly rankings report that shows you how your keywords are improving. Now, for the most part this should show constant improvement however, there will be months where you may notice a drop and that may be due to Google updates. Remember to stay patient and you will begin to see reap the rewards. 
  2. Ask for Working Logs ? If you are really worried about what is being done. You should ask your SEO company to show you their working logs. Many SEO companies will keep track of all or most of the work being done. Then you can review it and ask any questions that you may have. 
  3. SEO Company Contacts You ? A good SEO company will want to have calls at minimum once a month to go over your SEO campaign. On these calls you should be discussing what work is currently being done, where your rankings currently sit, what is going to be done in the future to help improve them even more. It is not a good sign if you are just paying monthly SEO payments to your company and they are never contacting you or the initial contact is only coming from your end. 
  4. Other Metrics ? Your SEO company should provide with numerous metrics not just your current rankings. They should have ideas on how you can improve your website's traffic. After all the number one goal is to get more traffic to your website and convert as many of those visitors as possible. 

I will say it again, search engine optimization takes time but that doesn't mean you should have to question whether the SEO Company you hired is doing their job.