4 Ways To Grow Your Customer Base

4 Ways To Grow Your Customer Base

I want to preface the statement I am about to make by saying that search engine rankings are extremely important. Now that being said don't get so caught up in your search engine rankings. What do I mean by that? Well many small online business owners become so obsessed about their search engine rankings that they do anything within their power to become ranked higher. This is good if you don't forget the overall goal of your website. Whether this is to get a sale or simply collect information you don't want to become so obsessed by your rankings you destroy any hopes of converting your customers. So rather than righting this post from the point of view of Search engine optimization. I am going to show how Phoenix SEO team can help you acquire customers. Let's take closer look at how you can get your website to do what you want it to do and convert customers.

  1. Build Advocates With Your First Customer ? The first 100 customers to your website take extra special care of. I am not talking about sending them a coupon for 10% off on their next purchase. This looks like most other marketing schemes they have seen in the past. Start by sending them a personalized thank you. Next you need to get creative. The better you treat these customers the more they will tell their friends how great you are. It is harder to build loyal customers like this from a website business than it is from a bricks an mortar store. If you do this they will become advocates to your business and will create a major word of mouth marketing campaign.
  2. Create a Partner Page ? Most businesses don't think about this but this a very good form of marketing and will help you aquire a bunch of new customers. The basic concept of this is to allow other websites to sell your product and or services that you offer them at a discounted price so they can make a profit on it as well. There is no out of pocket costs to starting Partner distribution page it offers huge upside with very minimal risk.
  3. Hand Written Thank You Cards ? This may seem like an old school train of thought but there is nothing that says thank you better than a hand written letter. This will make your customers feel like you truly care about them and cause some to pay a little extra for your product and or service in order to get such great customer service.
  4. Double Loop Referral Program ? What is a double loop referral program you may be asking yourself? A double loop referral program is where you offer the referrer and the referral both a reward. One for referring you a new customer and the other for becoming a first time customer. This has been a method that has been proven to work but is extremely under utilized by small online businesses. I don't know whether it is not knowing about this campaign or if they just don't want to take the time but is definitely something you should begin taking advantage of ASAP.

These are 4 ways that may not help you rank hire on the search engines but will help you with your ultimate goal and that is more customers. In order to grow your business to the level you are wanting it to be at. You must obtain new customers. Now search engine optimization works great when done properly. Don't do things that are for the search engines and ignore customers because you may rank higher however you will still be lacking the customers that make your business successful.