Why Your Website Should Be Using Fresh Content

Why Your Website Should Be Using Fresh Content

There have been studies recently that is showing that Google has a strong bias towards fresh content. You are seeing websites for some keywords ranking on page where they normally would not have been able to do so and it is likely do to fresh content. Now this may upset some small businesses or Phoenix web design companies out there but if you play by Google?s rules then this is actually a great opportunity for you. I know it is frustrating that your doing all this work and there is a website that shouldn?t be ranked on page 1 now ranking but lets take a closer look at how you can use this to your advantage.

  1. New Keywords ? Search different keyword terms for your industry and see which ones that Google is ranking a lot of recently published content on page 1 for. Then since Google is saying, ?hey we are wanting fresh content? then you should try giving them fresh content. You can do this by creating a page with fresh content on it that is targeting the new keywords and see if you get ranked based upon your content.
  2. Old Content ? If you are noticing that pages that have older content on them that you have been attempting to rank for have all of the sudden fell in the rankings to new fresh pages then you may want to consider updating your old pages. This may be a perfect time for a content update or at least republize them.
  3. Updated Series ? If there are keywords that are of high value and you notice this taking place where fresher content is ranking highly then you will want to consider a content series on your website. Something where you are updating your keywords on an almost daily basis. This will allow you to compete for rankings on a highly competitive keyword.
With Google all of the sudden looking for fresh content this gives you and your business an opportunity to possibly sneak into the rankings for keywords that were otherwise out of your budget.