Is Your New Years Resolution a Website Redesign?

Is Your New Years Resolution a Website Redesign?

As the new year is approaching have you already came up with your New Years resolution? How about for your business? The answer may be yes but you may be overlooking one New Years resolution that most small business need to make and to keep. Our Phoenix web design team has noticed with more frequency the need for small businesses to update their website. How do you know that is you without calling and asking a web design company that I am sure will try to sell you on a website whether you need one or not. Well let?s take a look at some of the signs that your business needs a new website.

  1. Navigation ? There is nothing worse for a customer than to go to a website and not have a clue how to navigate it. When a customer goes to your website they should be able to quickly and easily find what they are looking for. If your analytics are showing that people are coming to your website but leaving without converting this could be a reason why.
  2. Out-Dated ? After you are done surfing the web one day, go to your website and see if it looks similar to other websites. If the look and feel look like it was from last generation then it is likely time for a website redesign.
  3. Updated Technology ? Are you looking at using some of the newest technology to enhance your online business but can?t because your out dated website won?t support it?
  4. Mobile ? Have you attempted to go to your website from a mobile device? If you have and it looks terrible then you should consider updating your website ASAP. More and more people are going to your website from a mobile device and if it looks bad they will leave and you will lose out on numerous sales.
  5. Browser Compatibility ? If users are having issues viewing your website from new browsers then you should definitely update your website.
These are 5 signs that your website is in desparate need for a redesign. If this is you then there is no better time to contact your Phoenix website design team than the start of a New Year.