5 Reasons You May Need a Web Refresh

5 Reasons You May Need a Web Refresh

If you own a business then you know that there is always things you can do to improve and becoming complacent as a business owner can be devastating to your business. One question you need to ask yourself is: Is it time to update my website? This is a question you need to re examine every 3 to 5 years even if your website is still bringing in sales it is the companies that keep up with the times that continue to grow and not become stagnant. Now most people don?t want to call a Phoenix web design firm just to have them give you reason after reason why you need a new website and deep down you know it is a sales pitch. That is why I am going to give you some reasons you may need to update your website. A brand new Phoenix web design could be just what you need to begin seeing your business grow. Question 1: Is your website over 5 years old? If the answer to this question is yes then you really should update your website without even having to read any of the other questions. There has been so much technology in the past 5 years that your website probably isn?t even able to be viewed by many of your visitors.  Question 2: Is your website smart phone and tablet friendly?  Again if customers can?t view your website from a mobile device then it is time seriously consider updating your website. More and more people are surfing the web on their mobile devices and that number is just going to continue to rise. If you are dead set against updating your website maybe you will want to consider having a mobile website designed. Question 3: Was your website was built mostly with flash? You may still be a big flash fan because you think it adds the pop you want for your website but it is hurting your website. Flash is not search engine optimization friendly so in essence by having a flash website you are keeping your website hidden from search engines and anybody looking for the things your website has to offer. Question 4: Do you still have to contact your web design for every little update? With the new content management systems also known as CMS you no longer have to depend upon your Phoenix web design team to update your website you will be able to manage your own website. This will allow you to update your website more frequently while saving you from being nickeled and dimed.  Question 5: Do you have Social Media components on your website? With hundreds of millions of users visiting social media sites everyday your business must keep up with these. There are really cool components you can add to your website such as a button where if a visitor likes your page they can click the like button and share that page on your website with all their friends. After you have read through all of these questions and you believe it is time to update your website then we would love to help. Our goal is not to just build you a great website but to help you grow as we understand we are successful when our clients grow and continue to use us. We are an experienced Phoenix web design team that can help your business grow. Contact us today for a free quote.