5 Mobile Apps That Your Business Should Download

5 Mobile Apps That Your Business Should Download

So I was originally going to write this blog about the best mobile apps for businesses in 2013 but i quickly realized that there is a lot of great apps out there that many of the business owners that read this blog may not know about. So our Phoenix web design team compiled a list of mobile apps for your business that if you don?t know about you should definitely consider looking into. Let?s take closer look at some apps we believe will help you and your business. Microsoft Office Mobile for Office 365 Subscribers ? If you are like many business owners then you use Word, Excel and PowerPoint a ton. I am sure you have experienced the frustration of traveling and having to update one of these files but are unable to do so properly from your mobile device. With this app you can now do all your work right from your mobile device. The one downside of this product is the cost is pretty pricy but it is well worth it and you won?t be sorry you purchased it. Square Register This is an awesome tool for all small businesses. This app allows you to make sales anywhere. It only charges you when you make a sale and it takes 2.75% of each sale. Once a sale is complete you will see the money in your bank account with in 1 to 2 business days and best of all there is no need for any merchant gateways. This app does so much more than take credit cards it also allows for employee logins, you can monitor employee activity, cash drawer managment and much more. This is a highly recommended app. Cisco Web Ex ? Do you do a lot of traveling while trying to work in meetings? If you do then this app is for you. With Cisco Web Ex it allows you to get on video conference calls easily right from your mobile device. The truly amazing thing about this app is that it allows you to give a presentation and display data properly even through your mobile app. Dropbox This is a great tool for not only our business but for many businesses around the world. Dropbox is one of the more popular cloud storage sites and it is well deserved. It will allow you to share large file documents easily and safely with employees, clients, etc. Card MunchHave you ever been to a networking event and when you got home or back to your office forgot to file them away and ended up losing them? Well, with Card Much you can now take a picture with your smart phone and it will store them in your contacts. This allows you to organize them and access them much quicker than ever before. These are 5 mobile apps that we believe that all businesses could benefit from. If you don?t currently use these apps we would strongly suggest you check them out and see if and how they can help you make your business run more efficiently.