5 Bad Web Design Habits to Avoid

5 Bad Web Design Habits to Avoid

Everybody has at some point in their lives developed a bad habit or two but the difficult part comes when you recognize the bad habbit and try to break it. The same applies to small business owners and their websites. Many small business owners have certain things that they do on their website that ends up hurting their business way more than help it. Some small online business owners won't even listen to the advise of a professional Pheonix website design team. A web design company will only advise you to what they think is best based upon their experiences, however the ultimate decision is based up to you. That is why I think it is important to make you aware of some of the bad habits small online business owners have when it comes to their website. I am hoping to help you see what may be causing your online business to struggle rather than thrive. Let's take a closer look at some of the many bad habits we see on a daily basis.

  1. Your Website Lacks Personality ? This is a hard balance to find but when you do your business will be exponentially more successful. With a brick and mortar store people get to see you and get to know you and your sales man and woman. On the flipside with an internet business they don't see anybody so it is up to you to create that same personality through your website.
  2. Failure to Establish Credibility ? This is extremely important to an online business because many people have a fear of putting their personal information on the web anyways. That is why working on your branding is so very important.
  3. Tiny Text ? Some people want to cram a bunch of text on a website page or they like the looks of smaller fonts however the majority of people hate this. You need to you keep all customers in mind when designing a website and one of those things is that you have to realize not everybody can see the tiny text.
  4. Destracting Design Elements ? I am sure you have been to a website where the design is very distracting and it keeps you from enjoying the website. Many small online business owners do this to try to be unique but all it does is cause distractions to the visitor and keeps them completeing what it is that you want them to do on your website.
  5. Auto Play Media ? This is not only a no no but also very annoying. Things like this can cause your visitors to never want to go back to your website.

These are 5 habits that many small online business owners don't want to budge on, but take it from a professional Phoenix web design team, these 5 things are hurting your website more than helping it. When getting a new website it is important to at least consider what the web design company is telling you. Ultimately it will be your decision because you know your target audience the best, but they are just wanting to help you become as successful as possible so that you will continue to use them in the future.