5 Awesome WordPress Plugins

5 Awesome WordPress Plugins

There are many benefits to designing a website in WordPress and depending upon the project our professional Phoenix web design team suggests it. As great as WordPress is there are some awesome plugins that will make it even better and more user friendly to you. It offers a great CMS for small business owners to go in and easily update their website so why not make it as user friendly as possible by adding some of these awesome plugins. 

  1. Content Aware Sidebars ? This is a free plugin that will allow you to assign different widgets to specific pages. Other CMS's such as Joomla work similar to this. This is an important feature to have and will save a lot of frustration. 
  2. Enhanced Text Widget ? This is another great widget and not just because it is free. This widget will allow you to do so much than the Text editor provided out of the box from WordPress. You will be able to do things like add a link to the title, assign css widgets, it will support text, html, flash, etc. and much much more. 
  3. Backup Buddy ? Even though there is a cost associated with this it is almost a necessity. If you have a website then it is absolutely critical that your website is being backed up on a regular basis just incase you delete a page or accidently mess up the website you will be able to pull up the back page. That is where Backup Buddy comes into handy. 
  4. Akismet ? This is another free plugin. As you can tell we love FREE plugins. If you hate spam then you will love akismet as this one of the best ways to combat spam on your WordPress website. 
  5. Loveit Pro ? Loveit Pro allows people on your site to love a post, a product, a picture and allows you to track what pages are the most liked on your website. It works almost similar to Facebook like but it is on your page. 

If you have a WordPress site or are looking at using a WordPress site in the near future then you should definitely look at using some of these plugins to improve your site.