3 Reasons to Monitor Your Website

3 Reasons to Monitor Your Website

Many times small business owners have a Phoenix web design company build them a website, they then update the content and forget about it. This is a major mistake that is the reason why so many small business owners fail on their quest to develop an online presence. You must realize that a website much like a car can have issues and needs to constantly be monitored. We are not saying you should be monitoring every second of every day but once every 2 or 3 weeks would be a good start. There are too many things that can happen to your website that will cause you to lose business if you do not check it periodically. Let me give you some examples of some of the things that can happen.

  1. Frequent Down Time ? Your business image is important and if your website goes down you wouldn?t even know it unless somebody were to tell you. This is why you should at least look at it everyday. This would be equivalent to owning a store that is constantly needing to be closed for repairs. It wouldn?t look good to your customers and same goes with your website.
  2. Keeping Repeat Customers Happy ? If the issue above is not resolved and every time they go to check your website there is a page broke it will get frustrating and eventually you will drive off all of your repeat customers. Another thing is updated products and content. It is extremely frustrating to go to a website just to find out that none of their content is relevant any longer. What would be the incentive to return to a website like this?
  3. Search Engine Optimization ? Frequent downtime will hurt your SEO rankings. A successful SEO campaign can take your business to a whole new level but making sure your website is working properly and will convert sales is step one.
It is not difficult to keep an eye on your website. It shouldn?t even be an issue but because business owners get busy with other things they forget about it and find issues days, weeks, and sometimes even months later. Think of your website as a salesman that works for you. Wouldn?t you want to make sure your salesman is well equipped to do the job? Of course you would and this salesman works for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year. If you would like us to look at your website and see what we can do to help you improve your online business contact HireAWiz today.