Facebook Strategies to Market Your Business

Facebook Strategies to Market Your Business

Facebook has two distinct features that you need to make sure to use appropriately when marketing your business. They are the ?Like? button and Viral Marketing. These two features will increase your return on investment or ROI. You want to reach as many people as you can while posting about your business and you will need to use both of these tools to maximize the number of customers that you are reaching with every post. The good news is you don?t have to do it alone HireAWiz has a great Phoenix web design team that is very familiar with social media marketing to help your business every step of the way. Our Phoenix web design team will start with the ?Like? button. This is something that Facebook will put on your business page, so potential users can ?Like? your page. By liking your page, a person will be able to see your posts directly on their personal feed, allowing them to follow you much more closely than if they would just stop by your page from time to time. The more ?Likes? on your page the more customers will see your post which means the more success your business will have. Now likes on your page are very important in order to create viral marketing. Making something go viral has never been easier than using Facebook. What you will need to do is work on posting things that others will want to share on their profile. Lets use Hireawiz for example. Let?s say we had a post that said buy a business website today and receive a free month of SEO. Now lets say John shared that on his page because he knew people looking for websites. Now not only have I reached all of Hireawiz?s likes but also all of John?s friends. Every time a post is shared you then will be reaching all the friends of that individual. Now lets say John had 300 friends and Facebook has 571 likes that gives us a total of 871 potential views. Now lets say only 10% of those who view the post visit our website that is 87 views and lets say only 5% buy a website from HireAWiz a Phoenix web design company that would be 4 websites sold. That is a really good ROI on one post that only one like shared with his friends. Now imagine if 2,3,or4 share this post much your business will sky rocket. This is why in today?s world Facebook marketing can take you business to the next level and help you exceed your sales goals. Creating a Facebook marketing campaign can be very beneficial. It is just as if not more beneficial than SEO when you look at the ROI factor. Now that you see the benefits of a well planned Facebook marketing campaign you can begin planning your plan of attack and watch your business begin to grow exponentially. Contact HireAWiz as we are an elite Phoenix web design company and we will sit down with you to go over everything you can do to grow your business. We have been doing this for over 10 years and have learned a lot of tricks companies can use to see their income grow exponentially.