Facebook Page SEO Strategies

Facebook Page SEO Strategies

My last couple blogs have talked about the importance of search engine optimization also known as SEO. As many businesses are beginning to do the bulk of their business online SEO and other forms of internet marketing have become extremely important and are becoming increasingly important. One of those forms of internet marketing that is growing and can really set your business apart from your competitors is social media marketing. As a Phoenix web design company we have seen social media sky rocket and the businesses that are taking advantage of this are getting rewarded big time. Facebook is right around a billion users plus or minus a few thousand depending upon how many fake users they have. This makes Facebook a major player for businesses in the competition for internet marketing. Many Phoenix web design companies have not caught up to social media marketing as of yet. Let's take a look at some ways you can optimize your Facebook business page for SEO.

  1. Facebook Name ? This may sound like a "duh" moment but this is extremely important. Many companies fall to the urge to add in way to many keywords into their title or they are too vague. If you own a sports memorabilia store you don't want to name it Joe's Football Memorabilia, Basketball Memorabilia, Baseball Memorabilia this is to vague and comes across as spam.
  2. Vanity URL ? Facebook allows you to create a vanity URL however you must get at least 25 likes before you can get one. Google does use URL's in their algorithm so it is extremely important to use a keyword that describes your business.
  3. Use Keywords ? Just like when you are writing content for your website try to work in keywords on Facebook. Be creative as their are different places you can add these keywords in such places as the About Us section on Facebook.
  4. Contact Information ? You would be shocked at how many company's Facebook fan pages don't have their contact information on it. This is a necessity as many companies are getting so much of their businesses through the internet why would you want to take away an avenue of a potential customer to contact you?

Facebook is an avenue for you to gain customers and visitors to your website. If you have any questions about how you can improve your conversion rate and grow your business to the next level we are here to help. We are a professional Phoenix web design company that understands web development and internet marketing. Visit our home page at https://www.hireawiz.com to check out everything we have to offer. Contact us today for a free analysis and quote.