5 Awesome Things You Didn’t Know You Can Do On Facebook

5 Awesome Things You Didn’t Know You Can Do On Facebook

Can you believe Facebook has turned 10 years old? It seems like just yesterday Facebook came onto the scene and the internet as we know was changed forever. As a way to celebrate 10 years of Facebook I decided to write a blog about things you may not know you could do on Facebook. As I began researching all of the things that you can do on Facebook I know there were certain things I was not aware of so what better way to celebrate Facebook?s birthday than to share 5 things you may not know about.

  1. Shared Albums ? What is shared albums you may be asking? Well a shared album allows you to create an album where multiple users can upload photos. How many time have you wanted everyone?s pictures from an event or trip? Well with Shared albums you don?t have to go to multiple pages to pull the pictures you want. They will be uploaded in one central location. If you would like to know how to do this you can click here to find out.
  2. Skype App ? Facebook and Skype are two of my favorite things and now you can combine them. With the new Skype app you can connect it to Facebook and begin making skype calls from your Facebook page.
  3. Interestes List ? Interest lists are a way for users to organize their Facebook. You can create lists of things you may be interested in.
  4. Edit Photos ? Did you know that you can edit pictures directly from Facebook? With editors such as Lunipic you will be able to edit your photos directly from Facebook. No you will not need any high priced image editing software in order to edit your photos.
  5. Nearby Friends ? Do you think it would be cool to know whenever one of your Facebook friends is in your neighborhood. You can actually setup Facebook to send you a notification everytime one of your friends checks into a business near you. If you are getting to many notifications you can disable this at anytime.
These are 5 Facebook features I was not aware of and doubt that there is to many people who know about all of these great features.