4 Social Media Strategies That Work

4 Social Media Strategies That Work

Many businesses have social media accounts. Many business owners create accounts on social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google +, LinkedIn, etc. but outside of a few random posts that is the extent of their social media marketing techniques. Why is this? It is because many people don't understand how to market their businesses on social media and it is very time consuming and they don't have the resources to keep up with it. That all being said social media marketing is a gold mine for those businesses that have mastered the marketing aspect of social media. With Twitter having 300 million users and counting and Facebook is currently over a billion users and counting there are endless possibilities about just how successful of a social media campaign you can actually run. Your Phoenix web design company can only do so much to help you by adding social sharing to your website, give you the knowledge you will need, among other things but ultimately it will be up to you to decide how successful you will be by the effort you put into it. As a Phoenix web design team we would like to take a look at some more advanced social media marketing techniques that you can begin to use.

  1. Philosophy ? Don't skip the basics and try to skip ahead to the more advanced strategies. Much like your normal marketing strategies you want to keep your social media marketing campaign concise and focused. To determine just how to proceed with your social media marketing campaign you need to understand your target audience which when broke down you will likely discover that they are broken into smaller overlapping niche's that make up your target audience. Understanding your target audience will help you a ton when it comes to your social media campaign.
  2. Posting ? Many people think that they can come up with a post and then forget it. Well this is not the case in fact your work is just beginning. Every social media platform is different so you need to adjust your message for each platform. You need to consider different demographics and most importantly you need to make sure to respond to all your comments on each of your social media websites.
  3. Integrate Online and Offline Advertising ? You may be wondering what I mean by this. Well you likely have a marketing campaign outside of the internet whether that is newspaper/magazine ads, radio/TV ads, billboards or any other form of marketing. How you integrate them is by simply adding your website, facebook, twitter, etc. on those ads.
  4. Start at Home ? Many businesses go right out and try to market to a global audience and many times they are forgetting possibly their most beneficially audience which is usually local. Start focusing on your local customers and go out from their.

As a Phoenix web design team we see many business owners not taking advantage of social media and other forms of internet marketing and we know the benefits. Having a great website and running a great marketing campaigns such as SEO and Social Media. If you would like a free evaluation contact HireAWiz today and get a free quote.