3 Great Ways to Use Twitter To Promote Your Business

3 Great Ways to Use Twitter To Promote Your Business

Many businesses market on Facebook but don't feel they have a whole lot of time to market on Twitter. I am here to not only to tell you that Twitter is a great way to reach current and potential clients but also I am going to give you some strategies that work. One thing to keep in mind when using Twitter for your business is to not over promote. Even though Twitter will allow this your followers will not like this and consider your company spam. For any of these strategies to work you must show your followers there is a real person behind the company and occasionally use it to promote your business. So what are these great ideas?

  1. Public Relations ? Twitter is a great tool to use as a public relations page. You customers love to be heard and feel like you truly do care. In a world full of greed most people will spend a few extra dollars to go with a company that truly does care.
  2. Twitter Chats ? At first you may be saying I don't want to be part of a chat and I don't have time for this however this is a great way to promote your business. Twitter chats allow you to not only network out but to get followers for your business.
  3. Employee ? Getting your employees involved is key. They will be able to tweet and it will show your entire company on twitter and potential customers will love to see this.

Twitter is a great way to gain customers and to grow your business to that next level. Twitter is a great complimentary social media site to go with your Facebook account. If you need help setting up a Social Media Marketing strategies contact us today as we are a top Phoenix web design company.