Ad Words Quality Score and Why it Matters

Ad Words Quality Score and Why it Matters

If your company is running a Pay Per Click campaign then I am sure you are aware of Google?s Quality score and if you are not you should be and are probably paying a lot more for your campaign than you should. A quality score is Google?s way of ranking how relevant your ad is to specific keywords. The higher the ranking the more relevant your content is and therefore the less you will have to pay per click. Google rewards you for making your ads relevant to the specific keywords in order to try to create a great user experience. Google?s website says it this way:

?Quality Score is an estimate of how relevant your ads, keywords, and landing page are to a person seeing your ad. Having a high Quality Score means that our systems think your ad, keyword, and landing page are all relevant and useful to someone looking at your ad. Having a low Quality Score, on the other hand, means that your ads, keywords, and landing page probably aren?t as relevant and useful to someone looking at your ad.?
To give you an example let?s say you were looking for Phoenix web design and when you searched it an ad for HireAWiz came up that said HireAWiz is an elite Phoenix web design company offering 10% off a website. If you were to click this ad you would be taken to a page that offers you a Phoenix web design company with the 10% off code. This would be a relevant ad. Now let?s say you were searching for Phoenix web design and an ad comes up about Phoenix web design but when you click on it you get taken to a page that is talking about search engine optimization. This would be an example of a non relevant ad and is what Google is trying to avoid because it is very frustrating to the end user. You don?t want to click on an ad thinking it is about one thing and find out it has nothing to do with what you are looking for this is very frustrating. If you are currently running a Pay Per Click Campaign or are thinking about it but not sure how to get the best return on investment contact HireAWiz today. We are an elite Phoenix web design company that will do everything we can to help you grow your business to the next level. Contact us today for a free consultation.